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Real Weddings | Queenie & Licky 分享他們的愛情故事

多謝Queenie & Licky分享他們簡單而溫馨的愛情故事。從大學相識的好朋友到大家各自在社會經歷成長,緣份最終將他們連繫在一起。

Thank you Queenie & Licky for sharing their simple but touching love story. From college acquaintanceship to friends and they each experienced and grow up in the community, their fate will eventually be linked together.

Queenie & Licky拍拖兩年後,雖然大家沒有刻意討論或者規劃未來,但倆人內心早已默認了對方為終生伴侶。由於Licky工作繁忙分身乏術,婚禮籌備的工作就交由善於規劃和管理的Queenie負責。

Queenie & Licky were in a relationship two years, they had not discuss or plan for the future deliberately but they seem to have an early heart acquiesced each other for the life partner. Queenie took all responsible for preparations of wedding since Licky was always busy on working.


Most of the brides spend so much time for choosing wedding gowns of different styles, materials or price but Queenie was so lucky that she identified her wedding gown by first sight before a half and year of the wedding day. Queenie looks elegance and gorgeous while wearing the noble silk white gown featuring 3D lace floral cathedral train and detachable shoulder strap. It is very touching when Queenie’s mother saw her and said: "Sweetheart, you really achieve your dream as you told me that your dream wedding gown was looks you put on one. You are so beautiful today. I'm happy for you. "


Every mother want her daughter looks a little blessed princess on their wedding day. Queenie felt grateful to Anovia that Anovia was not only provide a beautiful wedding dress, but it a holy memories of completed dream, blessing and symbolizes the beginning of a happy life.


In addition, Anovia’s professional consultants helped Queenie to select the gowns which make the guests impressed and highlighted Quennie’s style and silhouette: a rich textured of romantic ruffles A-Line golden brown gown; stylish three-dimensional flowers embellished with sparkling purple trumpet dress and ballerina tulle ball gown features traditional Qi-Pao neckline decorated with sophisticated lace appliques.

而婚禮最難忘的,當然是證婚儀式!由於Queenie爸爸是律師,所以他除了擔任證婚人外更主持了證婚儀式!面對外父大人這個證婚主持, Licky本身緊張的情緒添上了幾分壓力。幸好Queenie爸爸在主持宣誓儀式其間發揮風趣幽默本色,使本來認真嚴肅的氣氛加上燦爛的笑聲,令全場一起感染新人的幸福快樂。

The most memorable moment on the wedding, it must be witnesses of ceremony. Queenie’s father presided over the witnesses of ceremony as he is a lawyer. That why Licky felt much more pressure and tension. Fortunately, Queenie’s father preformed and presided humorously to release a splendid happiness from serious atmosphere.


After the wedding, they started a new lesson - a marital relationship. Queenie is a attentive and well-planning life pattern and Licky has his casual lifestyle. But they understand the mutual tolerance and accommodation is a good way to maintain the marriage. Licky knows how to coax back annoyed wife ; and Queenie also is able to realize her husband's sloppy. They found their mind of live balance and from the complexity to simplicity.It become the natural love to do little by little without a break.

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