Real Weddings | 新娘子Twinnie x 新郎Kinwai 的婚禮
恭喜Twinnie & Kinwai,「最美一刻。嫁衣分享III」比賽 - 《最幸福大獎》得主,現與Anovia 粉絲們分享他們的故事。
Congratulations to Twinnie & Kinwai, the winner of "The most beautiful moment of the wedding dress Share III" contest - "the happiest Award", now share their stories with Anovia fans.
Wedding profile
1. Year of dating 5 years
2. Preparation of wedding 9 months
3. Venue Langham Place – Star Room
4. Gowns & Tux Anovia
5. Big day photography Kay Chu wedding photography
6. Big day make up artist QueenieW Art & Makeup
7. Decoration P’s Wedding Decoration
8. Florist ManChing Blooms
9. Big day 08 Dec 2014

問到Twinnie 的求婚經過,她甜絲絲說:「求婚經過好驚喜,是旅行途中求婚,令我非常感動!我們之前一直沒有結婚的打算,但老公覺得是時候去人生的另一頁,於是他偷偷地準備求婚戒指。我們在2014年的農曆新年去峇里島旅行度假,入住我倆最喜歡的酒店,當天晚上,去酒店的Rock bar欣賞日落。這時,他換了西裝,手持鮮花,走到我面前跪下並求婚,每個人都跟著起哄,當老公說願意照顧我一生一世的時候,我感動到哭了出來並說Yes, I do,老公為我戴上戒指,真令我十分驚喜又難忘!」最初,二人是在一位共同朋友的Facebook中認識,初時都是互相關注大家的facebook,直至世界盃決賽當日,他們相約出來看「鐵血戰士」之後再去欣賞世界盃決賽,在彼此的眼神裏,知道對方就是自己的Mr/Mrs Right,在對的時間遇上對的人。
A marriage proposal with lots of surprises When bride ‘Twinnie’ was asked about the events leading to her marriage proposal, she sweetly said, “The whole proposing thing was really surprising as it happened during our travel trip and I was really touched. We didn’t have a plan of getting married but my husband thought it was time to start another page in our lives so he secretly prepared an engagement ring. We went to Bali for our holiday during Chinese New Year in 2014 and stayed in our favourite hotel. That night, we enjoyed sunset at the Rock bar when suddenly, he changed into a suit and held a bunch of flowers, stood in front of me and then got down on one knee to propose. Everyone was so excited and gathered together vigorously. When my husband promised to take care of me for the rest of my life, I emotionally said, "I do” with tears of joy. When he put the ring on my finger, what an unexpected and unforgettable pleasure!” At the beginning of their love story, both of them had a mutual friend on Facebook. Naturally, they tagged each other until match day of the World Cup Final. They watched the movie “Predators” and then watched the last match together. In each other’s eyes, they knew they had found his and hers Mr. & Mrs. Right, having met the right person at the right time.

Big day當日
終於到人生中最重要的日子,新娘Twinnie說:「當日我穿起這套婚紗,老公見到我第一眼時,他的雙眼發出"wow"的眼神,老公當日第一句的說話是:老婆,你很漂亮!我從心底裏甜笑出來,我當天很興奮,因為終於到自己的大日子,相反,老公就十分緊張,我唯有叫他輕鬆一下,不要那麼緊張,哈哈!」 Twinnie之前未有透露她所選的婚紗,直到最後一次試身,老公才第一次見她穿上婚紗的樣子。Twinnie說:「當天老公才第一次見我所選的婚紗,他覺得很驚喜,他從未見過我穿這一類的衣服,我很開心Anovia禮服顧問為我挑選了這件婚紗,令我有一個新的嘗試,老公見Anovia的禮服那麼合身,他都決定在Anovia租借禮服,老公更說這裏的禮服比他自己出去訂做更加合身,哈哈。」
The Big Day The most important day of her life finally arrived. Twinnie shared, “Once my husband saw me wearing this wedding dress, he stared at me, made a “wow” sound and then his first sentence to me was, “Sweetheart, you look stunning!” When I heard that, I was smiling from the bottom of my heart. Honestly, I was so excited on that day as it was my big day. At times, my husband was really nervous and I just asked him to relax a bit and not be that stressed. That was pretty funny.”

Twinnie did not say a word about her wedding dress until the final fitting. In other words, it was the first time her husband saw the wedding dress. She said, “He was surprised at the dress that I picked.” When talking about the most unforgettable part, Twinnie said, “It was definitely the moment when my dad passed me to my husband and they both had tears in their eyes. It was really touching as I was looking at these two men who were the most important males in my life, and I realised that I was the happiest girl in the world! At night, I wore a floral evening gown for toasting and the dress drew so much attention from all the guests. Everybody said it was really gorgeous and suited me well. It also showed off my personality. I really appreciated the professional advice from Anovia which helped me know what I should wear and find the right dresses.”

Tolerating everything for each other The famous author John Gray said, "Men are from Mars and women are from Venus. They are obviously different from each other because of coming from different planets. However, they spend a few months to learn and explore from each other, also appreciate the different needs, hobbies and behaviours. Then, they can finally stay together harmoniously for years." A long lasting marriage needs understanding and tolerance for each other. When we asked about tips for staying together, Twinnie pointed out, "The most important thing is honesty and communication so that your partner knows what you think. That can prevent a lot of unexpected misunderstandings. Moreover, we need to adapt to and tolerate each other as he or she is your life partner." Twinnie is looking forward to her post-marriage life, "I really value the love, tolerance and support from my husband. I am full of happiness as he makes me the first priority of everything. I am so delighted meeting him in my life and I will learn how to be a good wife and am sure we can be happy forever." We truly wish them happy ever after.